After graduating from university, I entered the Tokyo Designplex Institute with the desire to become a designer who focuses on the brand's identity and the user's perspective. I learned about web design, UI/UX, branding, and graphics. And then, I gained experience as a designer at Tsuzucle, an EC construction and SNS marketing company.



Childhood love of fashion.

Born in Tokyo, I have loved to design clothes and coordinating them myself.


Joined athletics clubs

In junior high school and high school, I joined sports club, and learned how is important the to communicate with members and continuity.


Went on to study English literature

I went on to study English literature, which I had always been interested in, and took part in volunteer work with international students and studied multiculturalism and religion.


Part-time as apparel staff

I wanted a part-time job working in my favorite fashion and took the plunge. I struggled at first but worked hard to improve my customer service skills by getting advice from senior and practising being able to quickly suggest style ideas.


Studied abroad in New Zealand

Studied abroad for three and a half months in NewZea land but I was frustrated that I could not communicate as well as I would liked, so also now I continue to learn hard .


Enrolled at the Design school

After graduating from university, I studied UI/UX, graphic design, web design and branding in Tokyo Design Plex institute. I would like to become a designer with a focus on brand identity and usability.


Experience as a designer at Tsuzucle

I related to fashion projects mainly in the company and I created SNS advertising, logo, Banner, SNS posting design , Web design. I went to many events and postred pictures or stories on formal Instagram account.



Always be on the lookout for and able to detect new technology and design trends. Even in an industry where trends change rapidly, you can check out the latest sites on national and international gallery websites, collect graphic references, etc., and strive to reflect this in your own output.



I am able to use the communication skills I have developed during my two years of part-time work experience in apparel to understand exactly what the client wants to achieve and to make recommendations. In addition, during my internship, when I hit a wall, I consulted with members and my supervisor to overcome it, and conversely, when they consulted with me, we worked together to find a solution.


Continuous Challenge

I can continue to challenge yourself undaunted, even if it is an area I am interested in but which is unknown to me. Club activities, part-time jobs, studying abroad and studying design were all unknown to me at first and I didn't know if I could do them, but I didn't give up, I thought about how I could do them and did them.

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