one mockup pic

Marunouchi Film Festival

Web Site :


Project :

Marunouchi Film Festival

Setting :

Client work by Tsuzucle

Project goal :

Creation of a Marunouchi-like logo design representing a film festival.


About project :

In line with TIFF's mission, "to showcase the potential of cinema from Tokyo and to contribute to the exchange of diverse world cultures." The Marunouchi Film Festival was created in 2023 through a partnership between the Mitsubishi Estate Co. and the Tokyo International Film Festival, with the aim of In Marunouchi, where a diverse range of people gather, the festival introduces a variety of cultures, including film, art, sports and fashion, and provides a place to encounter, enjoy and interact with new stimuli and excitement.

Project goal :

Creation of a Marunouchi-like logo design representing a film festival.

Design concept :

The logo expresses the new circle of people connected through the film festival and the many people involved in its creation. The logo also expresses the feeling of the Marunouchi office district with a combination of triangles and lines.

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